Oatmeal – A Strong Starting Of Day

Oatmeal – A Summary

Eating a bowl of oatmeal each morning is the perfect way to start the day right .The oatmeal discussed here is not the instant kind that comes in the different flavors –these are full of sugar .The real stuff is the plain oat flakes

Oatmeal is made from oats and oats are a good source of both soluble and insoluble fiber .insoluble fiber’s main role is that it makes stools heavier and speeds their passage through the gut, relieving constipation. Soluble fiber breaks down as it passes through the digestive tract, forming a gel that traps some substances related to high cholesterol, thus reducing the absorption of cholesterol into the bloodstream.

Why Oats, Oatmeal, Benefits oatsmeal

There are few benefits of eating oatmeal:

  1. Insoluble fiber attacks certain bile acids, reducing their toxicity.
  2. Soluble fiber may reduce LDL cholesterol without lowering HDL cholesterol. LDL is bad; HDL is good.
  3. Soluble fiber slows down the digestion of starch. This may be beneficial to diabetics because, when you slow down the digestion of starch, you avoid the sharp rises in your blood sugar level that usually occur following a meal.
  4. IT has been found that those who eat more oats are less likely to develop heart disease.
  5. Oats are a good source of many nutrients including vitamin E, Zinc, selenium, copper, iron, manganese and magnesium. Oats are also a good source of protein.

Oatmeal has a pretty bland taste, which makes it hard for the average person to consume every morning.

Here are ways you can make it taste better.

  1. Make the oatmeal with milk instead of water. This will also add calcium and more protein.
  2. Add Stevia powder to the oatmeal it will naturally sweeten up the taste without adding sugar.
  3. Stir in your favorite-flavored protein powder to it after it’s been cooked. This gives the oatmeal a pretty good taste plus it adds protein
  4. Add fruit such as blueberries to the oatmeal.

Aim to eat roughly I cooked cup of oatmeal each morning for optical health benefits.

Oatmeal – A Strong Starting Of Day

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