PCOD Homoeopathic Treatment: Causes, Symptoms and Natural Treatment

Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome or PCOS is also known as PolyCystic Ovarian Disease or PCOD/ Stein-Leventhal syndrome. Grasping the concept of PCOD homoeopathic treatment is crucial, as it provides a natural method for managing a prevalent hormonal disorder affecting women of reproductive age. By targeting symptoms such as irregular periods, heavy bleeding, acne, weight gain, pelvic pain, and fertility issues, this treatment can enhance overall well-being and promote healthier outcomes. If not addressed, PCOD can raise the likelihood of developing health issues such as diabetes and heart disease in the long run. Nevertheless, with appropriate care and treatment, these risks can be greatly minimized, supporting overall health and well-being.

PCOS, or polycystic ovary syndrome, is a prevalent and manageable condition characterized by the development of small follicles in the ovaries. This natural variation is what gives the condition its name. These follicles are generally harmless, and with appropriate lifestyle choices and medical support, it is possible to maintain hormonal balance and promote overall well-being. Can homeopathy cure PCOS?, the answer is Yes and it has no side effects. You can get free advice on PCOD homoeopathic treatment with our online doctor consultation (free chat) in India*

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What are hormones, and what happens in PCOS?

Hormones are chemical messengers that trigger many different processes, including growth and energy production. The hormonal system of human beings is so designed by nature that one hormone triggers the release of another hormone and so on. An imbalance in one hormone can frequently impact the levels of other hormones. However, with appropriate treatment and care, it is possible to balance hormone levels, which can enhance overall health and well-being.

Normally, the ovaries make a little amount of male sex hormones (androgens). In PCOS, the ovaries can produce somewhat elevated levels of androgens, but with the right treatment, this can be effectively managed to promote hormonal balance and overall well-being.  This causes stoppage of ovulation, acne, and grows extra facial and body hair.

What causes PCOS?

The exact cause of PCOS is not known. Many women seeking PCOD homoeopathic treatment have reported that :

 â€“ PCOS seems to run in families. It means that the chances of you having it increase if someone in your family had it.

–  Obesity or being overweight also increases the chance of PCOS.

–  Presence of diabetes or insulin resistance is also known to induce PCOS.

What are the symptoms?

  • Irregular or delayed menstrual periods
  • Dysfunctional uterine bleeding
  • Chronic anovulation
  • Oligomenorrha mean less menstrual bleeding
  • Obesity/ weight gain is present in nearly half of all women with PCOS.
  • PCOS may cause Infertility in reproductive women.
  • Excess hair growth-Hair is commonly seen on the upper lip, chin, around the nipples, and in lower abdomen.
  • Some patients have acne and/or male-pattern hair loss (androgenic alopecia).
  • Excess of androgen hormone causes acne.
  • Hyper androgenism clinically manifests as excess terminal body hair in a male distribution
    pattern- A few patients may also have increased muscle mass, deepening voice, and/or clitoromegaly due to excessive androgens.

If you are observing these symptoms then you can consider PCOD homoeopathic treatment to get cured without any side effects.

How is PCOS diagnosed?

There isn’t a single test that can definitively diagnose polycystic ovary syndrome. Instead, doctors rely on a combination of assessments to accurately identify the condition and develop a personalized treatment plan.  The diagnosis is one of exclusion, which means your doctor considers all of your signs and symptoms and then rules out other possible disorders.

  • Physical exam.
    During your physical exam, your doctor will note several key pieces of information, including your height, weight and blood pressure.
  • Blood tests
    To measure the levels of several hormones to exclude possible causes of menstrual abnormalities or androgen excess that mimic PCOS. Additional blood testing may include fasting cholesterol and triglyceride levels and a glucose tolerance test, in which glucose levels are measured while fasting and after drinking a glucose-containing beverage.
  • An ultrasound exam can show the appearance of your ovaries and the thickness of the lining of your uterus.

How is it treated?           

Lifestyle and home remedies

Lifestyle and home remedies combined with PCOD homoeopathic treatment are essential for managing PCOS. Treatment can reduce unpleasant symptoms and help prevent long-term health problems.

  • Keep your weight in check. Weight loss can reduce both insulin and androgen levels and may restore ovulation.
  • Consider dietary changes. Prefer a low-carbohydrate which are high in fiber.
  • Be active. Exercise helps in keeping weight under control.
  • Quitting smoking can help lower elevated androgen levels, which may play a role in PCOS symptoms, resulting in improved hormonal balance and overall health.

What are the Complications of PCOS

Some of the conditions that are likely to develop in untreated PCOS, more so in obese patients are as follows-

  • Type 2 Diabetes
  • Metabolic Syndrome
  • Infertility – In some cases, patients can conceive but may encounter difficulties in maintaining the pregnancy. Nevertheless, with appropriate care and support, many are able to have successful pregnancies and enhance their chances of a healthy outcome.
  • Uterine cancer
  • Sleep Apnoea – Disturbance in respiration or breathing during sleep is also seen in some patients.
  • Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis — a severe liver inflammation caused by fat accumulation in the liver
  • Abnormal uterine bleeding

Is Homeopathy treats PCOS or PCOD completely?

PCOS homeopathy treatment is considered one of the best options, because it treats and cures the root cause of the problem. When considering PCOD homoeopathic treatment, it’s important to understand that the human body has internal power to fight diseases.  Therefore Homeopathy tries to restore the balance of that vitality. Once the vitality regains its original balance, it is able to nurse itself back to health without any external aid. PCOS homeopathy treatment is very safe and free from any side effect. Finding lasting relief from PCOS with homeopathic treatment is a gradual journey. Although it may require time, patients can see consistent improvement by being patient and committed to their treatment. It requires complete observation regarding the change of symptoms in the patient and frequent clinical follow-ups.Experienced PCOD homeopathy doctors can help guide you through this natural healing process.

Homeopathic remedies work on correcting hormonal imbalances, regularizing ovulation, and restoring menstrual normalcy. Some proponents of homeopathy also claim that it helps in dissolving the cysts to eliminate the need for hormone therapy and surgery.

Homeopathic remedies for PCOS-

Homeopathic remedies for PCOS are carefully selected based on individual symptoms. PCOD homoeopathic treatment, each woman is given a personalized approach because no two cases are the same. Since every woman with PCOD/PCOS has unique symptoms, a customized treatment plan is essential for achieving the best outcomes for each individual.

Given below medicines are just indicative and there are many other medicines that can and do cure this problem. The exact prescription of the right medicine depends on the individual symptoms of the patient. PCOD homeopathic treatment takes a holistic approach, and it’s advisable to seek guidance from a qualified homeopathic doctor to receive the most effective and tailored care.

Apis Mellifica-

When there are stinging pains in the ovarian region, Apis Mellifica is one of the best Homeopathic medicines for PCOD. The sharp pains might come with tenderness in the abdominal and uterine regions, but with appropriate treatment, these symptoms can usually be managed effectively for improved comfort. This medicine comes from the honey bee and works in a way that mimics the feeling of a honey bee sting, providing focused relief for particular types of discomfort.  The right side is often more commonly affected, and in some instances, mild swelling can occur in various parts of the body, which can be effectively managed with appropriate treatment.

Pulsatilla –

When the menses are late or delayed and are scanty, Pulsatilla is one of the best Homeopathic medicines for PCOD. The patient is usually thirstless and takes little water. The general temperament of the patient is mild, gentle and yielding. Pulsatilla is often suited to young girls in whom the problem starts at puberty itself.

Sepia –

When the patient has bearing down pains from the back and abdomen, Sepia is one of the best homeopathic remedies for PCOS. There is a feeling of a “ball” like sensation in the inner parts.  Patient might feel a sense of fullness or heaviness inside. Menstrual cycles can differ, occasionally starting later with a lighter flow or earlier with a heavier one. These fluctuations are normal and can be managed effectively with the right care. The patient might notice shifts in their mood, becoming more irritable or indifferent at times. However, with appropriate support and treatment, it is possible to restore emotional balance and enhance overall well-being.

Lachesis –

When there is aversion or intolerance to anything being worn a little tight, Lachesis is one of the best Homeopathic remedies for PCOD. Patient experience discomfort primarily on one side, but this can be alleviated with gentle care and attention. Menstrual cycles may occasionally be shorter and have a lighter flow, and these changes can be effectively managed with the appropriate support for maintaining optimal health and balance.  There are pains in the abdomen which are relieved after the flow starts.


When there is constipation along with other symptoms, Graphites is one of the best Homeopathic medicines for PCOS. It’s normal for an individual to have a fuller physique. She might also notice that she’s more sensitive to cold and tends to prefer warmer environments. Menstrual cycles can occasionally be delayed and may have a lighter flow, but these changes are manageable with the right care to support overall health and well-being.

Note: Please do consult with your doctor first, before to take any medicine. The remedies mentioned over here are for the information only. We do not recommend to take any medicine without taking prior consultation. Homeopathy treatments for any diseases and treatment vary according to your body symptoms and structure.

Consult our homeopathic specialist doctor for personalized PCOD homoeopathic treatment. Particularly if you are a woman then you can seek guidance from our best female homeopathic doctor in Jaipur.

Read about : Homeopathic treatment for early ejaculation.

Dr. Sachin

Dr. Sachin Gupta
Homoeopathic Physician MD(Hom.)

Renowned homeopathic physician and skin specialist in Jaipur, dedicated to providing personalized, effective treatments.

Dr. Saveena Gupta
Homoeopathic Physician BHMS, DNHE

Highly regarded homeopathic doctor in Jaipur, specializing in women’s health and gynecological disorders.

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