Piles are also known as Haemorrhoids. Piles are swollen and enlarged veins in the anus and rectum, similar to varicose veins. Piles can be painful, itchy, and cause rectal bleeding. Due to swelling and enlargement, piles cause irritating symptoms. Piles have a number of causes, but the exact cause is still unknown.
An estimated 1 in 20 human beings have the problem of piles. They affect people of all ages, genders, races and are more common in people over age 50.
Who are more prone to piles?
Anyone can get symptomatic Haemorrhoids, but people may be more at risk if they have:
- Overweight or obesity
- Pregnancy
- Having anal intercourse
- Eating a low-fiber diet
- Weakness of the muscles and veins of the rectal region
- Taking laxatives for a long time
- History of chronic constipation or diarrhoea
- Frequently lifting heavy objects
- Sitting on the toilet seat for a long time
- Straining at bowel movements
- Weakness in the veins of the rectal region
- Having a family history of piles
- Some bowel diseases like colon cancer, Crohn’s disease, and ulcerative colitis can cause piles.
What are the Grades of piles?
Piles can be classified in different grades, based on the swelling and severity of pain.
- Grade 1: This grade comes in the early cases where piles have minor swelling on the nerves present inside the anus and can’t be seen from outside.
- Grade 2: In this grade, piles protrude at the time of passing stool and shrink after the toilet.
- Grade 3: Piles protrude as a soft lump from the anal portion and can be pushed inside at the normal push.
- Grade 4: Piles of this grade protrude completely in the anus and cannot be pushed back.
What are the symptoms of piles?
Haemorrhoids can be inside or outside the rectum. Symptoms of piles depend on the site of the development of veins.
- External: Swollen veins develop under the skin around the anus, known as External Haemorrhoids. These can be itchy and painful, and rarely bleed.
- Internal: Swollen veins develop inside the rectum. Internal Haemorrhoids may bleed, but rarely cause pain.
- Prolapsed: Both internal and external Haemorrhoids can bulge outside of the anus and prolapse. These types of piles may bleed and cause pain and irritation.
What is the prevention and management of piles?
Piles can be prevented and relieved by following easy tips:
- Develop a habit of eating fiber-rich foods. Fruits, salad, vegetables, and whole grains are rich in water and roughage. Roughage helps in softening the stool, which reduces straining at bowel movements.
- Drink lots of fluids. A habit of drinking 8-10 glasses of water and liquids can prevent constipation.
- Do not strain while passing stool. This can reduce the swelling of veins.
- Avoid sitting for long periods on the toilet seat, as this can reduce the chances of piles.
- Do not hold the urge to stool, as it can cause constipation.
- Exercise regularly to prevent constipation and reduce pressure on veins.
- Avoid standing for long periods.
- Soak the anal area regularly in warm water for 10 to 15 minutes, two times a day. It will help in relieving the pain.
Why are piles common in pregnancy?
Piles can easily develop during pregnancy because hormones secreted during pregnancy can relax the veins and contribute to swelling. Constipation is more common in pregnancy due to pressure on the bowels from the enlarging uterus.
What is the role of Homeopathic treatment for piles?
Homeopathy is the healthiest and safest way to treat piles. The homeopathic medicines are prepared in a hygienic, standardized, and well-controlled environment, so they do not cause any structural damage to the body organs. Homeopathic medicines improve the body’s immune system, which helps the body cure the disease itself.
At Gupta Homoeo Clinic, we have specialized homeopathic doctors for piles treatment who have treated hundreds of piles cases successfully. People who take regular homeopathic piles treatment develop good immunity and face fewer complications. Homeopathic treatment for piles helps people cure the disease more efficiently.
There are several homeopathic medicines for piles that can cure and manage piles. In the case of 4th grade piles, we can only give symptomatic relief and manage the piles. So, homeopathy is best for piles in every manner. Some indicated homeopathic medicines are as follows:
- Aesculus hippocastanum: Piles are sore and aching, swollen with a feeling of small sharp sticks inside the rectum.
- Aloe Socotrina: Piles are swollen and protrude “like a bunch of grapes” and are relieved by cold.
- Graphites: Constipation without urges, very large and dry stools, with a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen.
- Pulsatilla Nig.: Haemorrhoids are itchy and uncomfortable, with sticking pains in sensitive women.
- Arnica Montana: Sore, bruised-feeling Haemorrhoids when straining or over-exertion with ribbon-like stool.
- Ignatia: Haemorrhoids accompanied by spasms and stabbing pain in the rectum. The patient is sensitive and emotional.
Note: Please do consult with your doctor first, before to take any medicine. The remedies mentioned over here are for the information only. We do not recommend to take any medicine without taking prior consultation. Homeopathy treatments for any diseases and treatment vary according to your body symptoms and structure.
If you are suffering from Piles then you can take expert’s advice from our online homoeopathic doctor’s service.
Read about : Homeopathy treatment of sexual problems.

Dr. Sachin Gupta
Homoeopathic Physician MD(Hom.)
Renowned homeopathic physician and skin specialist in Jaipur, dedicated to providing personalized, effective treatments.

Dr. Saveena Gupta
Homoeopathic Physician BHMS, DNHE
Highly regarded homeopathic doctor in Jaipur, specializing in women’s health and gynecological disorders.