Comprehending Sciatica and Its Treatment by Homeopathy
What do understand by the term Sciatica?
Sciatica is the pain experienced in the region which follows the path of the sciatic nerve originating in the lumbar region, extending through the hips, buttock and each of the legs. This sort of pain is usually caused by inflammation or compression of the sciatic nerve due to herniated disc, bone spurs, or spinal stenosis. Whether he has sciatica or not, the person suffering from this condition should know that this condition can be painful, indeed ranging from mild pain to pain that incessantly becomes unbearable.
Common Symptoms of Sciatica:
- Pain in the lower back or extremities in which sciatica is the leastr factor.
- An individual will experience numbness or a neuritic tingle in the affected leg or affected side of the foot.
- The affected leg or side of the affected foot will show some degree of weakness.
- In cases which show a tendency of increasing this will be present along with the increase in duration of standing, increase in duration of sitting or both.
- In certain instances, the movement of leg or foot will be restricted.
Sciatica: Homoeopathic treatment views the condition in a wholistic context homeopathy homoeopathy too tries to incorporate the same context too tries to strengthen the person’s features that incite sciatica rather than inflicting pain on its focus.
Key remedies used in homeopathy for the treatments:
- Rhus Toxicodendron: Recommended in cases of sciatica when the pain aggravates on the onset or the first movement or towards in the morning but the pain becomes dull with motion. When the pain soothes with heat we begin this remedy.
- Belladonna: Useful in cases of sciatica when it starts with sharp shooting pain, with inflammation or reddening of the affected part. This remedy is considered in cases where the pain is sudden and severe.
- Colocynthis: Recommended in sciatica patients with cramping and shooting pain which radiates and mostly finds relief with pressure or when the patient bends spontaneously forward. This remedy is chosen when the soothing sensation is created by strong pressure directed towards the painful area.
- Gnaphalium: Good for those cases which are accompanied by a numb and tingly sensation. This remedy is useful wherein the pain also presents along with heaviness and when weakness is experienced in the leg.
- Calcarea Carbonica: Useful in treating patients suffering from rheumatism and feeling fatigue and weakness and who tend to be more of a history taken back with back issues and a tendency to be cold.
Note: Please do consult with your doctor first, before to take any medicine. The remedies mentioned over here are for the information only. We do not recommend to take any medicine without taking prior consultation. Homeopathy treatments for any diseases and treatment vary according to your body symptoms and structure.
Using Homoeopathy:
During the course of the consultation at Gupta Homoeo clinic our competent practitioners will take your particular symptoms, past medical history and overall health into account before making a recommendation about your treatment plan. For us, it is not only about the physical alteration, this is to say that the treatment handles the manifestations and does not tackle the causes of the problem but rather all caused for complete wellbeing.
By going in for homoeopathy you are looking upwards towards an easy approach towards dealing with sciatica. It’s techniques and drugs allow bragging to instigate various bodily functions which curb the pain and promotes better health.
Get In Touch
If you are suffering from sciatica and are looking for a clinic that treats such problems differently, you can consult our homeopathic doctor in Jaipur at our clinic.
Let us help you ease the pain and bring equilibrium back into your life.
For more details, visit our site or make a call to us to schedule your appointment.
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Dr. Sachin Gupta
Homoeopathic Physician MD(Hom.)
Renowned homeopathic physician and skin specialist in Jaipur, dedicated to providing personalized, effective treatments.

Dr. Saveena Gupta
Homoeopathic Physician BHMS, DNHE
Highly regarded homeopathic doctor in Jaipur, specializing in women’s health and gynecological disorders.